BACKGROUND: The fam has been trying to get a motor home ever since my dad's accident back in 2007. We finally got one. Nikki's in Alaska (and way pregnant & Andrew's overseas). We're heading across the country/continent to go visit her in our spiffy new motor home - because why go camping for a weekend, an hour away, when you can go camping for a whole month, 5,000 miles away? We VanSumeren's like to go big or go home (not really).
So my mom asked me if I would write a blog about our trip to keep the family posted (I'm only doing this for you, Grams). I don't blog or know necessarily how or what to say in a blog, so I'm going to pretend it's like my 4th grade diary. But don't worry, I'll spare you who my future husband will be. But please bear with me, I'm awkward.
Anyways, it's day one of our cross country trek. I don't know about the parentals, but all I'm thinking is "holy s***, this is insane, whose idea was this?" We're currently in Jackson, MN, which is about 5 hours outside of our first major planned stop. We drove for about 10 hours and traveled 500ish miles. I'm already sick of sitting in this motor home and I'm sure my mom and dad can say the same. Literally nothing exciting happened today except that Oscar pooped for the first time in 2 days. That was the highlight of our day. I wish I was joking.
Since we didn't know the exact date of when we would be getting the motor home, complete with modifications for my dad, we weren't able to make reservations at any campgrounds along the way. Aka we're 110% winging this whole trip. Lucky for us wild cats though, we were about an hour outside of Jackson and called some random campground I found on Google Maps and they had some empty spots. I have a feeling it's not always going to be like that and we'll end up in some random Walmart parking lot for the night. The only plus side to that will be that the people watching will be spectacular.
I don't know what else I'm supposed to fill you in about. My lunch? How I already have cankles? That I secretly think Oscar pooped somewhere in the motor home & I'm afraid to tell my mom about it? (Only slightly kidding about that last one, ma)
If I knew what the heck I was doing, I'd post some cute pictures for you all to enjoy. But I don't. So let's take a raincheck on that one.
Ok, later.
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