Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 2: This Is Literally Taking Forever

July 7th, 2014

Sorry I didn't update about our wild adventure yesterday (7/7). Consistency is not my forte. My diary is a great example of that, seeing as how I would write in it for a day, then I wouldn't write in it again until a year later (you can even ask Nikki because she would always read it).

We started the day driving about 5 hours to Badlands National Park in South Dakota. We spent quite a few hours exploring the cute little mountain formations or whatever they're called. We asked dad if he wanted to go climbing or if he wanted us to throw him off the edge of the sidewalk, but for some reason he said no to both. It's been about 17 years since we've visited the Badlands and the entire way I was asked if I remembered doing this or doing that. No mom and dad, I don't. I was 3. 

Matt called while I was in the middle of taking a selfie and said that he missed us and that he wants us to come home. Or something along those lines, I don't really know, I didn't talk to him. 

After we did some tromping around, we drove for approximately a million more miles and ended up at Mount Rushmore. Fun fact if you're planning on visiting Mount Rushmore anytime soon: there is now a bar. So you can drink while enjoying a presentation about Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, & Jefferson. It's what they would've wanted.

The whole presentation was anti-climatic, really. Mom was going on about how the lighting of the monument was extravagant and dramatic and everything. Yeah, it wasn't. The whole thing was about 45 minutes total aka 40 minutes too long. The girl presenting was butchering the presidents' names and we couldn't even see the film being shown. So naturally, I left to go get food and scope out the gift shop. I came back and still nothing had happened. Then they played "America the Beautiful" and still nothing had happened. Then they played the National Anthem and at that time the lights had finally started to pathetically flicker and eventually the whole thing lit up. I'm sure 3 year old me would've loved it, but 20 year old me was not the least bit impressed. 

While everyone was being touristy and taking cute pictures, I see my mom take a picture and then say to herself, "Oh shoot, they have red eye!"........ Oh mom. You're so silly. Her and my dad didn't stop laughing until we got back to the shack, 20 minutes later. So embarrassing. So if any of you are Facebook friends with her, that's why she didn't post a picture of Mount Rushmore.

We ended up in Hills City, SD for the night. We got lucky with another KOA having an available spot for our fun little fam. It was 11pm before we even started to settle in. Way past our bedtime so that's why I couldn't blog for all ya'll. 

P.S. My mom is reading over this right now and came to her joke about Mount Rushmore and is once again laughing. A lot. She must be tired.

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