Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 5: Mom vs Mt. Rainier

July 10th, 2014

Once again, my bad for lack of consistent updates. We're having such a wild time that I'm having too much fun to blog (aka there hasn't been any cell phone service for the past 300 miles).

We peaced out of the campground at some time in the morning and trekked out towards Mt. Rainier National Park. It must've been a hoppin' ride on the way to the park because I literally don't remember one thing about it. Once we got inside the park, we didn't really know what to do so we kind of just drove around. Little did we know we'd be driving up actual mountains. With that being said, here's a little background story on mom: she hates heights, she hates drop offs, and she hates driving a 32ft bus up and around both of those things. So I'm sure you can imagine how smooth and relaxed our ride up was. In between the white knuckles and "Ohhhhh my god, oh my god" every couple of minutes, we got to see some pretty fab views.

(I thought I had more pictures of the views, but it turns out they're all selfies, sorry)

When we finally got to the view point and mom let go of the steering wheel, we were greeted by this ol' thing:
 Hi Mt. Rainier!!!!

We had the opportunity to go a little further up the mountain, but I honestly don't think we would've had a steering wheel by the end. Mom was gripping it pretttttty hard. The way down the mountain went about a billion times smoother than the way up. I mean, minus the fact that our brakes almost burned out. But that's besides the point.

After our mountain adventure, we became even more adventurous and went on a hunt for a gas station. When we finally found one, I went inside to see if they had any little souvenirs because I'm THAT person. Well, the gas station clerk just so happened to call me out on that. He saw me pick up a map of Washington, pick out a magnet, and then pick out a postcard, then said to me, "That was the most touristy thing I've ever seen anyone do." Since I was having a solid hair day, I'm going to pretend he was hitting on me rather than judging me.

We then headed out farther west so we could end up near Olympic National Park for the next day. Along the way, I began calling campgrounds to see if we could get a spot for the night. It was around 6ish by the time I started calling, so I didn't think there was going to be any trouble since most campground offices close at 8 or 9pm. Yeah, nope. Everything in Washington closes at like 4pm. Worst state ever, am I right? So after calling 6 or 7 campgrounds, I began to panic a wee bit. I jokingly (seriously) suggested that we pull into a Walmart parking lot and stake out there for the night. Mom took it into consideration and pulled into one to scope it out. Now, I don't know about everyone else's Walmart parking lots, but in Grand Blanc there's like 7 different parking lots and the whole thing is spaced way out so that if one were to actually camp there, they wouldn't be out of place or in anyone's grill. This Walmart was the exact opposite. Seriously. It's like the parking lot was only made for those stupid little Smart Cars. 

So about 5 minutes later we decided that camping in a Walmart parking lot was going to have to happen another time. We took a chance and drove to a campground in Gig Harbor, WA. I don't know how we got so lucky, but there was a spot available for a 29ft motor home. Ours is 32ft, but whatever, we lied and made it work. 

So that was our Thursday. Mom almost drove us off a cliff and we almost camped in Walmart's parking lot. I hope that was more exciting for you than our Wednesday.

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